Yes, that's Matsumoto from Downtown sat on Hamada, his partners, face. In Japan, face-sitting and blow darts in the ass are what passes for comedy (and everyone thought Jackass was SO original!). Downtown are notorious for their border-line SM batsu-game (forefeit) shows. In the one the face sitting is from a bunch of guys are locked in a room for 24 hours and every so often people burst in and try to catch one of them and then punish them. In the second show, the gang went to an onsen and everytime they did something wrong (or maybe everytime they laughed) they got a blowdart in the ass. Other shows have included strip wrestling, people being catapulted out of portapottys on ski slopes and other weird shit. The old classic Endurance maybe be long dead, but Downtown keep its sado-masochistic spirit alive with their comedy shows.