Movie: Yokubo

This is Murakami Jun from the erotic love story Yokubo, a movie based on the novel by Koike Mariko. The film, out on DVD, is rated R18 in Japan which basically means they can show some pubes and simulated sex. Amazingly Murakami does a couple of quick flashes of his knob! I think this is the first time I actually saw an actor show his cock in a mainstream Japanese film without it being censored. Things are improving!
Murakami seems to have a fairly mixed movie career ranging from bit parts in hits like 69 to regular appearances in titles more likely to appear on the top shelf such as L'Amant and Vibrator.
The guy in the last photo at the kitchen table is another actor whose name I am not sure of. Unfortunately although he had a sex scene, this was the only real nudity that he did in the movie.
