This is Mitsuomi Takahashi who stars in one of the Power Ranger spin-offs known as GoGo Sentai Boukenger. These caps are from the movie version where his father is hanging on to his trousers as they try to escape some creatures. Unfortunately his pants get pulled down exposing some of his ass (I just love kids TV).(This is his official Japanese site with blog). He has also appeared in small speedos as one of the synchronized swimmers in the summer 2005 Waterboys TV special. He can currently be seen in the high school romance TV drama Hanazakari no Kimitachi e. I'll post a load more pics of hot boys from this drama in a few days time (the show is still on air so I've only capped the first 5 episodes...).
I love Sentai shows!
I had no idea that there was a hot butt shot like this in the Boukenger movie.
I have two questions for you.
Do you know of any place that might have a vidoe clip of this scene>
And would you mind if I used these pics in a post about this interesting scene in my blog?
My blog is...
Let me know what you think of it.