
Saturday night was the start of a new drama Rescue featuring a cute cast of Japanese idols pretending to be macho and tough firefighters. The show features Yuichi Nakamaru from the pop group Kat-Tun, Takahisa Masuda from pop group NEWS, Hideo Ishiguro, Shunsuke Daitou, Yousuke Asari and Yusuke Yamamoto. It was nice to see the show take a leaf out of Umizaru's book and include an o-furo scene in the first episode. They could have shown a bit more, but it was nice all the the same. Here are the pics and if there are more scenes like this later in the series, I'll post them too...


hurricane said…
hurricane said…
Jay...where do you find all these HOT pictures??? I should give you my email but who knows who else might answer???
Jay said…
These were capped from a torrent of the show that I downloaded... you can email me at if you want